

Fully Cooperative supporting up to 7 players

Seven Swords was designed as a fully cooperative game with victory and defeat shared between players. There is no need for a single player to control the monsters, as they have a built-in engine and rules that they follow. The game is tuned to be fairly challenging and requires a good deal of smart gameplay among all players to achieve victory. The game also minmizes alpha gaming (one person making decisions for other players), as a lot of decisions are made with imperfect information, and are made simultaneously with other players.

A Closer Look: Some thoughts on cooperative games

I have been an enthusiast of cooperative games for a long time, and I think there are a number of things that make a good cooperative game that I have tried to incorporate.

  • Challenge - Cooperative boardgames should challenge players to work together and make smart decisions.
  • Player Interaction -  Players should have a degree of interactivity where they can influence and help others, while not making all decisions for other players
  • Tension and Dynamism -  A good cooperative game should provide a sense of tension to players, and can achieve that by introducing new goals, chocies and by dynamically changing the rules.